Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 6
Barons School is an alternative public school for Low-German Speaking Mennonite students in pre-kindergarten to Grade 6. A multiage philosophy to teaching and learning allows us to teach students according to where they are in the learning process, with students benefiting from two years with the same teacher and being part of a single learning community through combining different ages and grade levels socially and academically. As well, this two year time period supports our belief in the importance of forming strong and caring relationships with students and their families. The staff at Barons School are committed to creating an environment where each student’s uniqueness is respected and the curriculum taught supports the Low-German Speaking Mennonite faith, language, and world views that parents have identified as an important part of their children’s education.
Kristine Van Wieren
We are a caring, safe, and collaborative learning community committed to providing students with the necessary skills to become thriving lifelong learners who value their faith, family and community.
Empowering all students by providing access to an education that supports and respects their culture, allows for meaningful connections to their community, and develops the skills for learning success.
We believe:
Sept. 3- Grade 1 & 5/6 classrooms; Sept. 4- 2/3 & 3/4 classrooms; Sept. 5- 4/5 classroom; Sept. 6- All students, including Kindergarten.